In genere i possessori della DGT Centaur si sono accontentati di cambiare il set degli scacchi, ma i pezzi di legno non legano molto con una scacchiera in grigio, così qualcuno ha pensato bene di modificare anche la scacchiera…
L’ideale sarebbe una scacchiera in grado di fare qualunque cosa, tipo la nuova Chessnut Evo: giocare off line con vari motori, o on line senza bisogno di dispositivi che la connettano al web. Mi chiedo se altre aziende seguiranno quella strada.
Be’, per quanto mi riguarda ormai mi sono abituato al tablet e, finché avrò a disposizione una connessione e siti come, non ho altre esigenze.
A proposito, avete iniziato a giocare coi nuovi bot?
A me manca giocare sulla scacchiera. Mia figlia non mi da retta, l’ho portata in giro per l’europa per niente, la scacchiera intendo.
No, non li ho ancora provati.
Un po’ anche a me, ma sarei più motivato se avessi qualcuno presente con cui giocare. Userei la DGT Centaur in modalità analisi, così potrei anche riguardarmi la partita alla fine.
Quando ero in forma, 'enta anni fa, ero un 1700…non è che, invecchiando, sono diventato più forte, eh? Solo più cattivo e rancoroso, come tutti gli anziani.
Comunque, magari stasera ci provo. Dopo aver commentato il penultimo racconto di “a modo mio”.
\ 1. e4 {I’m right behind you $1} 1… c5 {I wouldn’t do that $1} 2. Nf3 {All the
knights in the Arena love me. What $2 They do $1} 2… d6 {I thought I was the only
magical one $1} 3. d4 {The first of many magical moments, I can assure you.} 3…
cxd4 {That was unexpected.} 4. Nxd4 {Too obvious $2} 4… Nf6 {Oh no, please don’t
take my precious pawn $1} 5. Nc3 {Take that.} 5… a6 {A pawn $2 Wow, so daring $1} 6.
Be3 {Of COURSE I’ll follow your move up with a fireball.} 6… Nc6 {My ‘Good
Night’ potion will stop you in your tracks $1} 7. Nxc6 {Fair trade.} 7… bxc6
{For my next trick I will predict your next move $1} 8. Bc4 {And for my next
trick…} 8… e6 {It’s not easy being a Wizard.} 9. O-O Be7 {Not going to
work $1} 10. f3 {Let’s go $1} 10… O-O {Eh, I can do better $1} 11. Ne2 {See you over
there $1} 11… d5 {No need to be mean $1} 12. Bd3 {I feel like this is a bit too
obvious.} 12… a5 {Seen any skilled assistants around $2 I could use a new
one…} 13. e5 {So tell me, do ya feel lucky, knight $2} 13… Nd7 {I didn’t even
use my best spell $1} 14. f4 {I knew that vanishing cream would come in handy.}
14… Ba6 {Fancy yourself a pro bishop player $2} 15. Nd4 {You want to see how
much DPS I can do $2} 15… Qc7 {I’ll get you next time. That was just a trick $1}
16. Nf3 {You’ll protect me, won’t you $2} 16… c5 {Want to see my rabbit $2} 17.
Bxa6 {It’s OK, I’ll go easy on you… Next time.} 17… Rxa6 {I saw that in my
crystal ball awhile ago.} 18. Qd3 {Now that’s a respectable lady.} 18… c4
{Well played.} 19. Qe2 {Look over there, a monster $1} 19… Bc5 20. Bxc5 {I could
have got you a better deal than that $1} 20… Qxc5+ {Nice disappearing act.} 21.
Qf2 {The cadabra to your abra.} 21… Rc8 {I’m used to attacking Towers.} 22.
Rad1 {Fascinating. A Tower that moves of its own free will $1} 22… Qxf2+ {That’s
fair.} 23. Rxf2 {You take mine. I’ll take yours.} 23… Nc5 {Bravo $1} 24. h4
{Can’t win 'em all. Even with magic.} 24… Ne4 {I’ll admit, even I’m
impressed.} 25. Rff1 {Run away $1} 25… a4 26. Ng5 {I’ve been working on some new
moves. Not just Fireballs, but also Firesquares $1} 26… Ng3 {Imitation is the
highest form of flattery $1} 27. Rf3 {Prepare to be Wizard-ed $1} 27… Nf5 28. Rh3
{A moving Tower $2 How much to hire you for an act $2} 28… h6 {No one is going to
miss a knight $1} 29. g4 {Fireball $1} 29… hxg5 {Oh no, not my mustachioed hero $1
Wait. Wrong knight.} 30. gxf5 {This piece shall give me a piggy-back home after
the game $1} 30… gxf4 {Not my pawn $1 Noooo… Is it my turn yet $2} 31. Kf2 {I need
to cast a spell of speed on this one.} 31… Rb6 {One fireball would wipe out
all these pieces $1} 32. Kf3 {That’s it, stay there…} 32… Rxb2 33. fxe6
{You’re coming with me $1} 33… fxe6 {Well, look at you. All… capturing pieces
and being good at chess. Boo.} 34. Rd2 {No one messes with my friends but me $1}
34… Rxa2 35. Kxf4 {I do enjoy winning.} 35… c3 36. Rg2 {Are there usually
this many pieces left $2} 36… Rb2 37. Rhg3 {They’re illusions. A trick is
something a Goblin does for money.} 37… Rb4+ {Ouch.} 38. Kf3 {Must you really
move this slow $2} 38… Rc7 {I’m going to be the better Wizard and not say
anything.} 39. Rg4 {Twins are great for magic shows.} 39… Rbc4 40. Rg1 {Wanna
know how to make a Golem $2} 40… a3 41. Rxc4 {Let’s see how this pans out.}
41… Rxc4 42. Ra1 {A Wizard never reveals his tricks.} 42… Ra4 43. h5 {A
Wizard is never late. Apart from that one time… and that other time. OK, a
Wizard is sometimes late.} 43… a2 44. Ke2 d4 45. Kd3 Kh7 {Woo. So exciting $1}
46. Ke4 Kh6 47. Kd3 {I am the greatest Wizard that ever lived $1} 47… Kxh5 48.
Rh1+ {Yes, I’m just that good.} 48… Kg6 49. Ra1 Kf5 50. Rf1+ {CHECK this
out…} 50… Kxe5 51. Re1+ Kd5 52. Ra1 e5 53. Ke2 e4 54. Kd1 {That wasn’t even
magic $1 Just skill.} 54… d3 {I do like a classic Wizard’s duel. Who will win $2}
55. cxd3 {Great job.} 55… exd3 56. Ke1 Kc4 57. Kd1 Kb3 58. Rxa2 {For my next
trick, this pawn shall disappear $1} 58… Rxa2 59. Ke1 d2+ {No fair, I wasn’t
looking $1} 60. Ke2 Kc2 61. Kf3 d1=Q+ {Now her I’m worried about.} 62. Kf4 Ra5 63.
Kg3 Rf5 64. Kh3 Qg1 65. Kh4 {I’ve got out of stickier situations than this $1}
65… g6 66. Kh3 Rh5# {I meant to lose on purpose. To trick you $1} 0-1