I suoni dei pianeti

1 Mi Piace

Al di là del fatto che siano passate un paio di navi cargo, e che Marte, chiaramente innervosito, indossando scarpe di cuoio, batteva il piede con impazienza, copio qui il commentone di chi ha risposto alla domanda (“come fanno a esserci suoni nel vuoto?”) che qialsiasi persona ignara farebbe:

Our Universe Is Not Silent. Although space is a vacuum, that does not mean there is no sound in it.

Sound does exist in space in the form of electromagnetic vibrations. NASA recorded all planet sounds from space with the help of spacecrafts in the form of electromagnetic vibration and converted into the audible range of human ear (20-20,000 Hz). So, you can listen all planet sounds from space.

Nearly all types of astronomical objects give off some radio radiation. Electromagnetic vibrations span almost all corners of space time fabric sheet. Each planetary body gives off a unique impression of the electromagnetic spectrum into the space. This happens due to the presence of different amounts of charged particles in the vicinity of the planet and also due to presence of different magnetic field strengths of each planet. Aryanatomy The signals is mostly in wavelength of radio of the electromagnetic spectrum. Through the specially designed instruments of NASA carried aboard the VOYAGER, ISEE 1 and HAWKEYE space probes, they used the plasma wave antennas to record the vibrations in the audible range of human ear (20-20,000 Hz). So, we can actually listen what each planet of our solar system sounds like.

These radio waves can be captured by the specially designed instrument known as ‘astronomical interferometer’. This device can convert the radio waves into the frequency within the range of human hearing (20 - 20,000 Hz). These Scientific instruments detect and record radio waves, then transmit the recorded information to Earth. Once the transmitted information has been received at Earth, the data are processed for use in scientific studies. This processing also allows data to be converted or translated into sounds.

In teoria. Una volta diventati adulti, è già tanto se arriviamo a 15.000 Hz.
Invece i gatti, pensa un po’, possono arrivare fino a 79.000 Hz… :smile_cat:

2 Mi Piace